Compliance plan

RevIntegrity Features

Includes 6 admin logins

20 charts per provider are audited every month

Access to Live CMS Data

Visualized coding trends

Provider accuracy rankings

Learning Management System

Compare hospitals, departments, and providers

Coding Breakdown by code, value, quantity, and more

RevIntegrity benefits

Personalized group or one-on-one provider education sessions offer a tailored and focused learning experience. These may be done virtually or in person.

A Learning Management System (LMS) customized for providers facilitates seamless training, fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development.

Provider Logins

  • Providers are given a login when they dip below a certain RI score

  • Personalized monthly consulting and education

  • Benchmark coding trends against peer and state data

Facilitates daily audits and generates comprehensive reports, enhancing real-time insights and decision-making capabilities.

Receive live updates and notifications when coding quality exceeds predetermined parameters to prevent potential fines.

Access our available auditors with a rapid 48-hour turnaround time, ensuring timely and efficient audit processes.

Includes a post-bill retroactive audit and quarterly review which ensures thorough examination and evaluation, leading to consistent compliance improvement.

- We can utilize this to obtain testimonials, success stories, or referrals

Weekly chart audits benefit providers by promoting ongoing improvement in documentation accuracy and quality.

Offers a streamlined and efficient organizational infrastructure specifically crafted to facilitate compliance